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Shubham Kumar

Proven Leadership

Web Development

Complex Problem Solving

A dedicated and highly motivated undergraduate student eager to learn and work with diverse tech stacks and emerging technologies. Proficient in the MERN stack, with hands-on experience in developing dynamic, responsive web applications. Enthusiastic about taking on challenges and committed to continuous learning and growth.


Technical Skills: HTML|CSS|Javascript|ReactJs|NextJs|SQL|NoSQL|Redux|Tailwind CSS| Firebase|Git & Github

Professional Experience

Coditioning|London, UK - Remote

AI Prompt Engineering Intern

  • Generated gamified version of DSA challenges and their solutions in multiple programming languages.
  • Developed technical content in the software engineering domain to support student learning.
  • Conducted research and contributed to the gamification of educational content.
  • Assisted with quality control and proactively identified potential issues.

ISTE Students’ Chapter NIT Durgpur|Durgapur, India

Web & Tech Head


National Institute of Technology Durgapur|Durgapur , India

Bachelor of Technology in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

CourseWork - Fundamentals of Algorithms , Data Structures, Introduction to Computing

  • Organisations: Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)